Friday, December 30, 2005

A Happy New Year to All!

After today, I will be off my blog until Jan 3rd. Wanted to wish you all a wonderful new year! Here's to lots of good blessings in 2006.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

This is just SICK

Holy crap! I hope the two men in this story get what they deserve - a one way ticket to hell!

THIS cracks me up!

According to the Brits, Tom Cruise is the most annoying of all time! HA I agree! Quick Story here.

Is ABC smearing Catholics?

Check out Primetime Live tonight and make up your own mind. Apparently we had a female Pope at one time. I've never heard of this. I will watch tonight just to see how ABC spins this story....

What a bunch of stupid, whiney students

The students in this story are a bunch of whiney babies. Wearing a yellow star as part of a school assignment on the Holocaust is NOT going to all of a sudden turn you into a Jew. It is not violating anyone's religious freedom. No one asked these students to convert to Judiasm. Wow, what a bunch of stupid kids.

Wonderful little story

I love squirrels. Our dog spends lots of time cashing and hunting them :-)
This little squirrel story warmed my heart. Thought I would share.

Religion of Peace? I think not

More honor killings in Pakistan. This story clearly shows that Islam and the culture borne around it is not peaceful. Where is the honor in killing your own family members? There is no honor in killing. Only shame.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Who does something like this?

This story cracked me up just b/c it is so weird. Who is the person who
does something like this? Obviously this guy is one card shy of a deck...

What is going on in MIilwaukee??

This story is sick and disturbing. I will be praying for this man.
My question is....who/where are the parents of the kids involved
in this senseless crime? Who raised these people to be such savages?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

This is a belated Merry Christmas message. I took some time off over Christmas, so was not blogging. I'll be back on the blog this week thru Friday, then off again until the 3rd.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

This is rich...

The Mexicans are upset that we are thinking of building a wall along our border!! Well, tough shit, it's our border. Hey Mexico, last time I checked, this is our country, not yours. Butt out and get out!

The TomKat Saga - Birthday Party

Check this blurb out about Katie's birthday party. Very strange. The dinner sounds normal and nice, but then it takes a big detour at Bizarre Drive and continues onto Weirdo Lane.

Saddam is now playing the victim

Oh boo hoo. Poor Saddam. Looks like his very negative karma is coming back to get him. If they are indeed beating him, I hope they keep it up and take it up a big notch! He completely deserves everything he gets. Too bad he can't be held over here in San Quienten or that big supermax prison in Marion, IL. He wouldn't last 2 minutes in either of those places.


This is a creepy picture of the Pope.

Great Blog - Make it a Favorite

I stumbled onto this blog thru Michelle Malkin's site last week. It really is funny, and the source of my Stratego post last week. Now that I've given it a read for about 7 days, I am suggesting it to all of you. Make it a daily must read for an assured belly-laugh :-)


Tuesday morning follow-up, Part Two

As I drove into work this morning, yesterday's nightmare was just about forgotten, when it dawned on me that they could have gotten into my trunk. Rob mentioned this yesterday, but I don't really have anything worth stealing in my trunk, so I kind of blew off what he said. How wrong I was! I checked the trunk when I got to the office, and sure enough, they stole some Christmas items from me. So, Meltdown Level RED is back in effect.
When I was in Corvallis back on Dec 5/6th, my mom gave me all these Christmas gifts to take back up here, as well as gifts for my families in Vancouver, WA. I had brought everything into my house, except for the Vancouver stuff since I was heading there this weekend. I also had left my Christmas stocking in the trunk. I completely forgot it was there.
Of course those were the items some piece of shit stole from me. The Vancouver gifts were candy and food, so not as big a deal, but the Christmas stocking is a major deal. This is my stocking that I have had since my very first Christmas in 1975!! I'm going to have to check with my mom, but I think someone made it for me and it had my name on it.
I'm very sad about this and my Christmas spirit is now hanging by a thread. Some low life empitied it out, and probably just threw me away in a dumpster!! My mom is going to be crushed when she hears this news.
I'm disappointed with myself for not bring these items into my place, but DAMMIT I should be able to leave a few things in my trunk for God's sake!! Whoever stole from me, I hope they choke on the food that was in my stocking. I'm sorry, I know that is not in keeping with the Christian spirit of Christmas, but man.......

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday morning follow-up

Well, as you all can see from my earlier post, Tuesday did not start out very well for me. But the day got better, as I got a second very thoughtful gift from another financial advisor and work went pretty smoothly. My Meltdown Level is now down to BLUE...which stands for tranquility.
I also got a good belly laugh from this little nugget, curtosy of The Onion

Germany - you suck on this one!

Now come on Germany, what are you thinking??! Releasing a killer back into society?! This little move is not helping U.S.-German relations. Story here.

The ACLU Takes a Beating!

EXCELLENT!! Great News! Read here.

Holocaust Denial

This story is extremely disturbing to me. Not much more I can say. I think the story speaks for itself.

So far my morning is really sucking...

As usual I was running late this morning, trying to get out of the house by 7:30am, so I could pop into QFC and get gas on the way.
Let me start with some background studio apt is about 530 sq feet and normally not too cluttered and decently decorated.....a cozy home. Well, Rob has moved back up from Corvallis, so at the moment my apt has turned into insanity...boxes everywhere, piles of drycleaning, clutter, etc.. no room to move and my attempt at some level of home decor is shot to hell. But, I love R and very glad he is back...
So, as you can see I am already on Meltdown Alert Level Yellow and moving toward Red. In the midst of all the chaos I'm trying to pull together some kind of an outfit, curl my hair and put my makeup on. I finally get out at 7:40am, so doing ok on time, going to be about 5 mins late to work. Walking out to my car, I'm feeling my panic subside knowing I'm not going to be too late. But LOW AND BEHOLD, my car was broken into overnight!!! Yes, that is correct! Meltdown Level Red and then some! I am now in a mood most foul. I see a business card from a cop sitting on my driver's seat. I have no time to deal, so just picked up all the crap from my glovebox that some piece of shit rifled thru and snap at Rob to get in. We cruise over to our local Starbucks, where I pull up to drop him and our dog off. While I'm sitting there, an a-hole in a big van pulls up behind me determined to get my spot after I drive away. There was PLENTY of room in front of me for him, but he just HAD to have my pole position.
After Rob and Janni got out of the car I sat there rearranging my purse and some other things...then the van honked at me!! ARRGGGHH.... I threw him the arm and finger and I think Rob yelled "What are you honking at?!". I drove away in fury!
So, after all this I was 15 minutes late to work and extremely frazzled. But I opened my email and what did I find....a $100 gift certificate from one of the financial advisors at my office!! I was blown away. What a great gift. I felt my anger slowly melt and my Christmas spirit re-enter my body, and I smiled for the first time today. Although my morning has been one of the worst on record, this gift is a major bright spot and gives me hope that the rest of my day will be good.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The TomKat Saga Continues...

Here is the latest installment into this bizarre pairing. Boy these two creep me out. She sounds like a robot. Did the Scientologists suck out her brain? I am thinking yes.

Too much Tookie

I came across this excellent editorial today on the Seattle Times website. I think this worth reading.
Tookie Williams was a demented individual, not a martyr or saint deserving of the attention he received. There is something very wrong in this country when we glorify a murderer and ignore the victim(s).

Give me a break!!

Oh boy... I'm not sure where to start with this story. The headline is this: "Eminem Music Allegedly Used As U.S. Torture Device". Of course a human rights watch dog group is all over this one.
Now Eminem is not exactly my favorite and I sure wouldn't want to listen to it for 20 days straight, but torture? I don't thnk so...
Now having to listen to jam bands like Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews or Phish...that might count as torture.. HA!
All joking aside, the bottom line here people is this: The focus needs to be fighting terror and winning...not which music is played in a prison.

Wishing the death of another...

Only one day after Sharon suffers a stroke, the religion of peace and tolerance is wishing death upon this human being. This is really sick, but since it's the Palestinians I'm not surprised in the least.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Words of Wisdom

Finally, some wise words from a celebrity for once. I completely agree with Morgan Freeman here. What this country needs is less people playing the "race cards"...can't we all just be Americans. Looks like Morgan Freeman hopes so...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Jews not human?

According to the Palestinians, Jews are not even human. Rather, they are descended from pigs and monkeys. Wow, I'm so glad the Palestinians cleared this up for me b/c all this time I had been thinking that Jews were my fellow human beings.
And wait, isn't Islam supposed to be the great religion of peace and tolerance? huh. not seeing it here.

This woman is a moron

A Merry Christmas sign in North Carolina is offending a woman b/c it mentions Jesus. UGH!! I will mention that she is Jewish, but that still doesn't excuse her misplaced offense. I personally think if a sign LIKE THIS offends you, you have some kind of mental problem or too much time on your hands. This is a positive message, not a negative one.

I'm Catholic, thus a Christian, but the menorah of Hanukkah doesn't offend me in the slightest. The 8 lights are beautiful! In fact, perhaps I will have one in my home one day and light it up! Why not. It's not hurting anyone, just as much as Merry Christmas should not be hurtful.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A gift for your pacifist friends

A MUST SEE!! Found this on Michelle Malkin's website. This is the gift that should be under every good liberal/war hater's tree!
(I had a stomach ache from laughing so hard) For more on this game, the pieces and how to play CLICK HERE. Fun for the whole pacifist family!!


Click here to see what happens when you get too much collagen on your lips. YIKES!!
I am so glad God blessed me with normal looking lips that are medium full and will never need any work.

Europeans Outraged at Schwarzenegger

Again, this time from Europe (big surprise), special thought and outraged feelings for Tookie Williams. What about special thought and outrage over his crimes? How about some outrage for his victims and their families? ! Even The Vatican chimed in with this:
At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI's top official for justice matters denounced the execution.
"We know the death penalty doesn't resolve anything," said Cardinal Renato Martino. "Even a criminal is worthy of respect because he is a human being. The death penalty is a negation of human dignity."

The Vatican really disappoints me at times. As a Catholic I have a hard time respecting a criminal who had ZERO respect for the human dignity of his victims. What about them?

Tookie Williams - some food for thought

I've stayed away from blogging about Tookie Williams, as until recently I didn't know who he was or cared. But thanks to Hollyweird, all us regular folk will never forget the name Tookie Williams.
As I drove home from work yesterday I was listening to Michael Savage, who made a very thought provoking point, one that I had not even thought of. It goes something like this....the looney Left comes out in support of a murderer, Tookie, but are no where to be found when Terri Schaivo was about to be put to death. Where is the support for an innocent person like Terri? Rather than support, the left wanted to kill her. So what the left is saying is murderers should live and innocent people should die? If actions speak louder than words, then this is exactly what the Left's actions are saying. These are the values they are putting out there. I mulled this over in my head the whole way home and for some time after I was home. I was left feeling disgusted.

I watched some of the Tookie Death Watch coverage on various channels last night. On Larry King Live, he had a panel in the studio and then a "man on the spot" person standing guard outside San Quentien. At one point Mike Farrell (of MASH fame) chimed in very passionately about how disgusting it is that "we" are licking our lips over the death of a human being. What gal this man has!! He was practially crying as he utttered his words. Where was he when Terri was being put to death?! Probably sitting in his mansion in LA. What about Tookie's victims? Doesn't Mike Farrell care about them? Clearly not, which is pretty disturbing. Where was Mike Farrell when Ted Bundy was being put to death? I mean, hey, he could have redeemed himself too at the last minute. Oh, I get is b/c Bundy was a white guy.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Stupid celebrities and Famous people

Continued thanks to Michelle Malkin for this one...

Click here for the 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes of 2005. Below is a sample. Enjoy!!

35) "As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on the record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families. We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead." -- Moby

33) "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. All we need is one more liar." -- Helen Thomas

17) "I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry." -- Louis Farrakhan speculates that New Orleans was deliberately flooded

40) "I took a poo in the woods hunched over like an animal. It was awesome." -- Drew Barrymore

The apple fell far from the tree...

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for this story.
Chris Wallace (Fox News) is the son of Mike Wallace, of 60 Minutes fame. Check out what he has to say about his father here - ouch!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Iran's President disgusts me

Irna's president furthers his anti-Israel comments with the suggestion that the Holocuast may not have happened and perhaps Israel should be moved to Europe. This is a very sick and deranged man.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Does anyone know what today is??

Today, Dec 7, is the day that will live in infamy. Yes, that's right. Today is the anniversairy of Pearl Harbor. Sadly, the few times I checked and my local, I saw no mention of this monumental day in our country's history. I will keep checking the regular media outlets to see if Pearl Harbor is mentioned...

Lame Bush cartoon

Ah, the old "Bush is Hitler" thing played. This time in cartoon form. Thanks to Michelle Malkin for this one. Enjoy!

Thou Shalt not Steal

Nothing says Merry Christmas more than stealing. Sorry to bring the mood down, but here is a sad story out of my hometown. I hpoe these losers get what they deserve...

A Silent Night no more

OMG! Check this story out! The rage against Christmas this year is at an all time high. It's getting out of hand, and I think this story is the last straw for me. From now on, I'm going to wish everyone I come in contact with in public a Merry Christmas. I'm going to say it so much people will get sick of me. I'm motivated now to put up something on my front door that says Christmas loud and clear - not a wreath, but something with Angels, Jesus and Mary. Maybe even a huge gold cross! There will be no doubt that Apartment #310 is celebrating Christmas!! And if any of the hippies in my bldg don't like it, that will be too bad!

White House "Holiday" card is lame

It's kind of hard to have a Christmas card without the Christmas part in it. But leave it to the White House to lay an egg with their crappy generic holiday message card. Good going George!

Nativity Scene Vandalized

Merry Christmas folks. Doesn't this story just fill you with yultide cheer?! Not me. Whoever did this is a sick individual.

I'm Back!!

For those of you checking my blog on a regular basis, I apologize for the lack of witty banter lately. I've been on vacation for several days down in Oregon. I returned to Seattle last night and am ready to BLOG BLOG BLOG!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Poor Lady....but she kicks ass

This 96 year old is an inspiration! I pray that I have this much strength at her age.

Another one bites the dust.....

Another Al-Qaeda goes down! Boom! Good riddance. Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out! Say hi to God for me when he banishes you to Hell for all eternity!

ACLU is suing the CIA??

What the hell is this all about? The ACLU is defending terror suspects? UUH? What about defending Americans -what happened to that? I guess I should not be surprised to read this headline...
In case you all out there have not been paying attention the ACLU hates hard working Americans and Christianity. They love gay rights, abortion, and terrorists. And people like that piece of crap Ward Churchill.
They are AKA American Criminal Lawyers Union and the American Criminal Liars Union and the All Crappy Lawyers Union. They suck. Period.

Tai Shan - Panda Cub

OMG!!! That is all I can say about this. I've been following the new panda cub for a few months now via the Animal Planet website. Is he not the cutest, sweetest thing you have ever seen (besides my cat Matty)??

Hollywood Marriage Report

Honestly, as bizarre as this guy is, I truely hope he is happy being married and has a good marriage. Maybe he will start smiling for once and loose the black lipstick....


Becoming a father before becomig a husband....or a husband not at all, seems to be the trend in Holly-weird these days. Brad Pitt has now jumped on this train with his homewrecker girlfriend, Angelina Jolie. I guess at least these kids will be a male role model in their lives...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Sonogram + Tom Cruise = One very bizarre story

In case you hadn't heard, the Cruise-man bought his own sonogram for Katie. And now the experts are sending him a message: leave the sonograms to us! Gee, you think??
Tom Cruise gets more odd by the day. I used to love this guy, thought he was hot, saw all his movies, etc.... but man, lately, I'm getting disgusted. I think I'm done ever seeing any more of his movies. He's joined my actor boycott list (also on the list is Sean Pean, Gwyenth Paltrow, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon and Johnny Depp).

Would you use black toilet paper?

Well, it's all the rage over in Europe, so it will hit the U.S. shores I'm sure very soon.

China continues to persecute Christians

This time they bulldozed a Catholic church and beat up nuns.
I am going to start making every effort to not buy anything that is "Made in China". It's hard to avoid, but it can be done.

Al Gore - you suck

Hey everyone. Check this story out! Russia is selling arms to Iran, and it's OK, according to Al Gore! Right on Al, good work.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Did Bush really lie? let's discuss....

Bush Lied, People Died. This is the favorite mantra of the left in reference to the Iraq War. But what about another president....say, Clinton?
Larry Elder examines this in his new column here. What about the intelligence Clinton used? Was it accurate?

In Hawaii an unborn baby is not a person. Period. End of story

This story is sick sick sick. Expect to hear alot of it on talk radio today and tomorrow.
The baby in this story has a name, so how is that not a person? If an unborn baby is not human, than what is it? An alien?
This woman deserves severe punishment for being so blatantly reckless toward her child, but instead she gets off scot-free to go on with her life.
She's a total loser in my book. This country just continues to slide down into the bowels of depravity.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My cat, Matty

I was just thinking about my cat, Matty and thought I would post a really cute pic of her. She has many nicknames, but our most favorite is Sgt. Makito. When you see her, you must salute. HA!

From the "Grrrrr" section of

(This is really funny! I totally agree with this guy. I've encountered the nightclub valet before, and it is pretty weird. Why is this person there?)

Grrr! When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Tip!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
By Mike Straka

There is a lot that I cannot do. Open heart surgery looks particularly hard. Ditto brain surgery, rocket science, heck, even simple algebra is over my head. But one thing I do know how to do, and very well I might add — all by myself — is go to the bathroom. So when I walk into a men's room at a fancy Manhattan steak house, the last thing I need is help. I don't need mouthwash, or Drakkar Noir or even a stick of gum.
And I certainly don't need someone to pump the handle on the paper towel dispenser three or four times for me. In short, I have no use for the bathroom valet.
I don't want your cologne, or your Scope or your Doublemint gum. I don't even want your "How you doin'?" I just want to use the facilities in peace. I don't want to be guilted into throwing a dollar into your tip jar.
shouldn't have to give you money for something I can do very well on my own. You see, I'd rather give that money to my server or my sommelier. I need help in getting my food from the kitchen to my table. I'd like someone else to go into the wine cellar and retrieve the bottle I ordered, bring it to my table, pop the cork and then pour it into my glass.
But help in the john? No, thank you. Don't want it. Didn't request it. Don't even want to think about it.
It's bad enough that the bathroom can barely fit two people as it is, I don't need to be squeezing by the bathroom valet getting in and out. Nope. Not interested. No, siree.
And how does one apply for the job as the bathroom valet anyway? Do you think they walk in to a club or a restaurant with a resume full of references for the job? How does one even request the position?
"No, Mr. Manager, not interested in waiting on tables, cooking or even busing tables. What I really want to do is spend six hours in the men's room handing out paper towels and sticks of bubble gum to men who are in dire need of a urinal. Now that's how I want to contribute to society."
I don't really get it.
And then there's that awkward moment when you use the bathroom for a second time. You feel the need to announce loudly enough for everyone else to hear that you were already there and "I got you last time."
Not to mention that the last thing I'm thinking about as I'm heading to the facility is bringing my wallet with me, "for the bathroom valet." Heck, I barely carry cash anymore as it is. Next thing you know the valet will have a credit card machine for tips.
So to the bathroom valet, the concept of the bathroom valet, the nightclubs and restaurants that employ the bathroom valet and the society that makes the bathroom valet even conceivable, I say Grrr!

Heidi Fleiss

The Madam is back with a whole new gig....this time in Nevada. But that is not what I am concerned about. What is alarming is how horrible her plastic surgery is. Just check out this pic here (next to her lawyer would be the 'before', track suit photo is her 'after'). Holy Eyebrows! There must be 3 inches of space between the top of her eye and the brow. On my face, this particular space is about 1 1/2 inches. Her nose looks a little different as well. And what is going on with that upper lip?? YIKES

Excellent new column from Michelle Malkin

Read here.

Ted Turner is crazy

Ah, but he thinks it is Bush who is the crazy one. Here he is at Kansas State University on Monday spouting off about the art of war being outdated and nukes.
Go get 'em Tiger Ted!!

The Shield is Back!!

The best show on TV, hands down, is The Shield on FX. It will be back for Season 5 very soon, January 2006. Stay tuned!

Camilla most fascinating?

Barbara Walters has named Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, the most fascinating person of 2005. What?!! Now, I could easily rip on this woman for a number of things (i.e. adultry, comparing her to Diana, etc...), but I won't. I just don't get it. How is marrying the Prince of Wales a fascinating feat?

And now onto some others on the list:
Tom Cruise: Fascinating I think not. More like perplexing maybe... Confusing...but certinantly not fascinating.
Kanye West: Why this guy? What has he done that is so fascinating? He can rap - so what! Oh, let me guess....that famous line about Bush hating black people. I don't find that fascinating at all. It's shameful and shows his ignorance, and now he is getting to warm his butt on Barbara's couch to discuss it. Pluuuuzzeeee

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Not much blogging going on the past two days. No stories out there are really ringing my bell... I could comment on the whole Christmas backlash crap, but anyone who knows me knows how I feel about that topic, so no need to rant.

This makes me sick!!

Here is a lovely story coming out of Florida about a guy who buried a 5 month old puppy alive!! People like this are not even human in my opinoin. I hope his bad karma comes back to bite him.....literally!! What he deserves is to get mauled by a pack of dogs!

Sad News from the world of children's lit

Did anyone else out there read The Berenstain Bears when you were a kid? I did and loved them. The co-creator has passed away. Sad.....

Sandy Berger - where are you going in such a hurry?

Wow, 30 miles over the speed limit? Maybe he's trying to get outta dodge with some more stolen classified documents.....

Monday, November 28, 2005

Defending Sadaam

A former U.S. Attorney general is going to defend Sadaam? Despicable.
This guy opposed the Iraq war, so this shouldn't be too surprising.
Could this be treason? Seems like it to me....


Cindy Sheehan's book signing over the weekend did not go very well.
Sad, just sad....

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Do-gooding the world over

Celebrity do-gooders bug...bug...bug!!

RAVE: This is a real feel good story

Taliban bodies burned - so what?! Ask me if I care....

The soliders who did this should not get discipline, but honors. When terrorists burned the bodies of our civilian workers in Iraq, there was no outrage over that. It barely made the news cycle over here. But these US heros are being disciplined b/c they showed a lack of cultural and religious understanding. HUH?! What about American bodies?? In case you have forgotten, I have included a picture, from the Michael Savage website. If you ask me, this was pretty f&*$ing insensitive and showed a complete lack of humanity.

We have used nuclear weapons?

According to Iran's insane hostage-taking president, our president has used nuclear weapons against innocent people? Which people? When was this? would think we would have heard about this, or maybe seen a really large mushroom cloud somewhere?
Our president is a war criminal? Ok, Mr. Iran, what about those U.S. hostages you took back in 1979? Did you forget about that one?

Now here's a reason not to have text messenging

I don't have one of those bells n whistles cell phones - no fancy ring, no color screen, etc.. and esp no text messenging. My opinoin is, why. Why do you need that when you can just pick up the phone and call the person. Why make yourself so available? And, it's also a this poor kid found out the hard way. He will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

Some more props to Bruce Willis

This guy's career is kind of no-where at the moment, but hey, that's ok. Look at what he is doing with his free time. Hopefully his movie will be a better portrayal of what is going on. Can anyone say Jarhead?

Iran and N.Korea?

The alliance of these two countries is a very scary thought. Axis of Evil anyone?

Friday, November 25, 2005

PETA sucks

Oh Boy... this is....I just don't have the words for what this is.
Thanks to JAWA Report for this one.

Holiday Tree?

What the hell is this??! Boston is trying to call their city Christmas Tree and "holiday tree"? WHAT?
Look people, it is a CHRISTMAS TREE, not anything else. It is a major symbol of Christianity. If a tree is that frickin' offensive, then fine, a huge Menorah can be put up as well. I think the Hanukkah lights are beautiful and as a Catholic I'm not offened one bit. A tree should not be offensive to anyone either. UGH!

Thanksgiving in Crawford - yummy

Turkey was not on the menu at the anti-war protestors' Thanksgiving day feast. They upped the anty on their protesting by boycotting traditional American fare.
You go get 'em!! You really showed us with your tabbouli and feta cheese!!

Out of control shopping

WOA NELLY!! Who is this desparate for a bargin? Christmas shopping got crazy today around the country. Check out the photos in this story from WND.
Thank god I spent my day at the park enjoying a long walk with my boyfriend and my dog.

Israel, shame on you!

This story is a major rant. Anyone in Hezbollah is not a "guerrilla". The correct term would be Terrorist Jew Killer! Israel, why are you capitulating to these pieces of crap??!! ugh....

Big Bust out in Yakima

Washington is in the national news spotlight again for a 2nd time in less than a week.

What did you learn in school today?

What are kids being taught in school these days? This is unacceptable!! And I'm not just saying that b/c I am a conservative. A teacher has no buisness sticking his or her political views into the classroom.....
Just the facts ma'mn, just the facts.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Chris Matthews, please come back to Planet Common Sense

Does anyone out there watch Chris Matthews on MSNBC? Have you ever noticed how speaks as if he is angry ALL the time, foaming at the mouth about everything? There is always this little scowl on his face. I can only listen to him for about 30 seconds before I have to change the channel.
Now he is saying that terrorists "just have a different perspective". HUH?? And there is this quote:
"The smartest people understand the enemy's point of view, because they understand what's driving them."
Well Mr Matthews, I happen to be a smart person and I could care less to understand the point of view of the terrorists... I think I know what is driving them - the pure evil ambition of cleansing the earth of Americans and Christians, and Muslims too, as they like to blow up their fellow countrymen.
This guy is nuts. How the hell does he still have a show on TV?! ugh...

Excellent Blog!

I have passed this one out before, but thought I would mention it again. Make this blog one of your favorites and check is everyday for some HILARIOUS celebrity fashion commentary!

Oprah-Letterman Feud Over

The Oprah-Letterman feud is over - Now my life can go on. Whew!


Came across this little nugget on today. They have a section on their website dedicated to people's "Grrrr's", and that is where I pulled this one from today. I couldn't have said it better myself!

Roger in Cyberspace: My Grrr goes to those who are offended by the greeting, “Merry Christmas." Just who are these self-righteous individuals who feel they need to change the world because their little feelings are hurt by a gesture of good will? Can’t you just ignore it and move on? Do you have to drag the rest of us down? Do you have to destroy Christmas for the rest of us, especially the children? These oblivions will moan about Christmas, but they’llmore than happily enjoy the days off from work and the “after-Xmas” sales at the mall.

Did President Bush want to bomb Al-Jarzeera?

HA!! Seeing this headline made me crack up. What a great idea! I don't balme Bush one bit for coming up with this one. I wonder what else he's got.....

Madonna...oh you are so wise

I happen to enjoy Madonna's music, but man I wish she would shut up. Why do celebrities think they have all the answers in life and feel the need to peach to others? Here she is in a recent interview spouting off about how all God cares about is "how I behaved, how I treated people". No really Madonna? You are just figuring this out now? Thanks for informing the rest of us!

What's up with CNN?

A big "X" over the Vice President's face during a speech yesterday? Pretty weird.... what is going on here?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Good News

A close friend of mine, Naarah, brought her new daughter into the world yesterday, Genevieve Grace. I'm so thrilled for her!

Environmental Hypocrites

I stumbled across this fabulous editorial today, from This is worth reading. Basically, all those environmental wackos are mostly a bunch of anti-human wastoids. They don't even like their own species!
Case in point here:
"Humans have grown like a cancer!" says PETA head, Ingrid Newkirk. "We're the biggest blight on the face of the earth! There is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. Would I rather the research lab that tests animals is reduced to a bunch of cinders?" she raves on. "Yes! I will be the last person to condemn ALF. Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They're all mammals."

Baretta Goes Down

Uh Oh.....looks like Robert Blake might be joining OJ in Florida soon. I'm not sure of all the tax laws there, but I do know that as long as OJ lives there, he doesn't have to pay a dime of the $33M settlement against him. I wonder if these two are on the phone together right now, with OJ giving Big Rob tips on how to move to FL quickly....

Chavez is insane...

Here's a quote from Venezuela's leader:
"The planet's most serious danger is the government of the United States. ... The people of the United States are being governed by a killer, a genocidal murderer and a madman," Chavez said at a meeting of Venezuelan and Brazilian business executives in Caracas.

Wow, I had no idea my president was so evil. Glad this guy pointed it out. Full story here.

Catholic crackdown in China

What more can I say....this country really sucks. Unfortunately they happen to be one of our biggest trade partners. ugh.....

GO BEAVS!!! Civil War is on!

3:45pm tomorrow is the time! FSN (channel 30 up here) is the place! Be there or be nowhere!!

Taking bribes from Sadamm. The sweet smell of cash

Do we need any more proof that Sadaam paid off people, especially the French? This Frenchie claims to have regretted taking the money, but he must not have regretted it that much, as it was used to remodel his vacation home. Nice....real nice.


Talk about treason and attempting to squash free speech! This professor is nuts. He should be fired. This is unacceptable! Story here.

Muslims kill Muslims

Homicide bombers kill dozens inside two mosques today in Iraq. Here are regular people just trying to pray and do their thing, and their fellow Muslims come in a kill them. For what??!!
Americans need to wake up. If they will kill their own kind, obviously they will kill us without blinking an eye.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thank you JAWA Report

I found this little gem today on the JAWA Report blog. I think it speaks for itself. I dedicate this to all those rabid anti-warmongers. Enjoy!

New Reality Show

Funny! I bet this will be a hit!
So, I'm out on the web browsing for shoes, and came across this.
I'm so confused....why would anyone wear/buy these? What outfit could one have that these would go with?
I'm completely lost....

And then there is this. What is it - a boot, legwarmers...what?

Thank you Mr. bin Laden

Oh Osama...Thank you. Thank you for coming along and showing us the errors of our ways.

(sarcasm here folks)

Christians executed in N.Korea

North Korea has got to be the absolute worst country on Earth. What a horrible place to have to live. Christians are being executed there. Click here for the story. CNN will be featuring a documentary on this wasteland over the weekend. Info here.

Follow-up on Oregon Catholic Bankruptcy Case

The Oregon Archdiocese has offered $42Million to settle more than 100 sex abuse cases. Of course this isn't enough for them. ugh... Honestly, I'm sick of the Catholic bashing.

More Deep Thoughts from Bill Clinton

Man, this guy just won't go away.... Esquire magazine has named him 'Most Influential Man in the World'. God help us!

Yikes... this kid won't forget this lesson

I think this kid will remember this for the rest of her life and probably never slack off again. Good for this mom! Way to go!

MSNBC - Fox News Tiff

Keith Olbermann has his panties in a bunch. Who is this guy anyway - does anyone even watch his show? I'm sure O'Reilly's ratings blow him out of the water any night of the week.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

WMD's Afterall? Hmmm...

Sadaam hid weapons prior to war? Had ties to Al-Qaeda? Most anti-war lefties will tell you there are no WMD's and Iraq had no ties to Al-Qaeda, but that is a huge crock.... This story is a very interesting development coming out of Iraq. But let me guess...the mainstream media will not cover it at all. Anyone want to wager a bet??
Hopefully this will get to the public, once everything is translated. It will turn the tables big time on all the nay-sayers!

Thanksgiving with Cindy Sheehan

She's back at the ranch in Crawford to celebrate Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble Cindy!!

This is just gross

In Massachusetts a bill has been introduced to lessen the penalities for those committing 'bestiality'. WHAT??!! Come on with an animal is just in-human and should come with a very stiff penality. What is going on in this country!!??

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I think this story makes it pretty crystal clear that Mark David Chapman should never get out of prison. This guy is WAY more than one brick shy of a load.... yikes, I feel sorry for Yoko and Sean....

Another $1M for Bin Laden's head on a platter....

Interesting development from a celebrity. Sounds like Bruce Willis means business..... Good for him!

Hey Israel.... Don't worry, Be Happy

Bill Clinton tells Israel that Iran is not a threat? WHAT?! He tells Israel not to overreact to the "wipe off the map" comments? How is Israel supposed to react - be blase about these comments and ignore them? I don't think so. Clinton has no business telling Israel what to think. Please Clinton, just be an ex-Pres and fade quietly into the background....just go away.....

Condom club?

Oh boy, only out of Berekley, CA would this story come....This club offers student 12 free condoms per week? Woa!!
Huh, when I was in school, learning how to use a condom was not part of the curriculum. This is just another example of why our public schools are a diaster.

More Jew blaming.....

Iran blames Israel for the Jordan bombings! My God, where does the Jew-blaming end? This is insanity! Here we have Al-Qaeda and a woman telling the media that they are responsible, yet Iran somehow comes to the conclusion that it's not these people, it must be the Jews.

Bumper Stickers in Seattle

Up here in the Land of the Liberal you see bumper stickers all the time. The standard fare is "Kerry/Edwards 2004", "Keep Abortion Legal", "Bush on Mars in 2004" and my personal fav "I'm Pro-Salmon and I Vote". This morning on the way to work I saw a new one I haven't seen anywhere. It went a little something like this: "It will be a great day in America when our schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber!"
This one was also accompanied by, "Girls Rule", "Keep Abortion Legal" and a rainbow diversity sticker.
But it was this school-Air Force sticker that got me irritated. What kind of thinking is this - it would be a great day to have a weak Air Force? Huh?! Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm all for schools having the money they need and kids getting a good education b/c those things also keep our country strong, but it would be a very BAD day if our Air Force didn't have the money it needs to keep us safe. Not "great", BAD!!
Just another irritated day in Sleepy Seattle.....

Monday, November 14, 2005

RANT: Yet another hit and run

Oh Lord, here we go again. Another hit and run up here in the Seattle area. This time a mother and her child were hit as the child was being walked to school. Although I shouldn't be surprised at all, people still continue to amaze me in their ability not to take any responsibility for their actions. UGH!

Bird Flu Perspective

Again, thanks to Michelle Malkin for this story. This is a great article about the current Bird Flu craziness. This is a story that I've pretty much ignored and not allowed myself to worry about. I think I've got bigger problems worrying out walking over to Safeway from my apt than some virus that may or may not jump from birds to humans.

9-11 was no accident?

This is a very disturbing line of thinking coming out of Brigham Young University. Thanks to Michelle Malkin's site for directing me to this story.

YIKES!! School is scary

What happened to plain old teasing? Looks like this whole bullying problem is getting way out of hand with the youngsters in school. And it's going on in England as well. Gosh, I'm glad I'm not a teenager these days....

Crazy Canada

Bush is more dangerous than Bin Laden?! Come on Canada, that doesn't even make sense....

Saudi Arabia sucks

This country is not our friend, or a friend to the West. This is what they do to their own citizens who discuss the Bible. This teacher is going to be in prision for over 3 years just for having a discussion!!

Organized attack against Christians

So much for the "religion of peace'. This story is disgusting. This kind of crap goes on all the time against Christians by Muslims and you never hear it in the media!! All you ever hear is how Islam is misunderstood and it's a tolerant religion at it's core. Bull$%&* !! I have nothing more to say on this topic b/c I am too angry.

Separation of Church and State....again

Who does Michael Newdow think he is?!!! The arrogance of this man amazes me. He plans, this week, to file a lawsuit to get "In God We Trust" off our money!! He lost his Pledge of Alligence fight, so now he moves onto this. He claims to care that our government treat everyone fairly, but that is not true. His beef is that having this slogan on our money does not treat athetists equally (actually, his beef really is that he hates God and Christianity, but of course he won't spin it that way). But if he is successful, then the rest of us (99.9%) who want this on our money are not being treated fairly, so his argument holds no water at all. Can you imagine the cost involved in minting new money, and collecting the old? My God this man has balls thinking this is going to fly.
What will be next? - Sue Arlington Cemetary to get rid of all the grave makers b/c they are in the shape of a cross!?

Friday, November 11, 2005

Red Wine = health benefits

Interesting development into the study of drinking red wine. I'll keep drinking for sure! :-)

Arrogant Clinton

More Clinton.... He is so unapologetic about his impeachment. He still doesn't get it. He thinks one of the greatest achievements of his presidency is the Middle East Peace Plan. What?! What peace?? Rabin was assisinated and now we have anarchy over there. Yeah, good one Clinton. You did a real bang up job there, didn't you. UGH.....please, just go away.


Tomorrow the Beavs will be playing Stanford at Reser Stadium, 3:37pm kickoff. There will be a F-15 flyover in honor of Ventern's Day. God Bless all of our military, who fight the good fight in order that we stay a free nation.

Muslims continue to desecrate Temple Mount

This story makes me sick. How dare they!! Who the hell do these Muslims think they are to try to eliminate Jewish history!

Jew Conspiracy Theory Again

Just as it happened right after 9-11, the Jews are again being accused of having advance knowledge of an attack. This time it's the Jordan hotel bombings.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

RANT: Thank you Republicans!

Nice! Thanks to the Republicans, we will continue to rely on Middle Eastern oil. The Arctic drilling plan has been removed from a budget cut measure. Also dropped were plans to authorize drilling off of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. So, it looks like the USA will continue the status quo where oil is concerned. Expect your gas bill to rise.
This group of Repub's is pissing me off!

The Saudi's are NOT our friends

"The government of Saudi Arabia is distributing books and pamphlets across the United States in an effort to recruit American Muslims to an international struggle against Christians and Jews, the director of a religious freedom organization told the Senate Judiciary Committee Nov. 8."

I should not be surprised at all by this development, but I guess I am. This is scary. Americans need to wake up and pull their heads out! Complete story here.

WHAT? Prisoner gets elected to school board

Only in wacky California could this happen. I thought if you go to jail/prison you lose some rights. If you cannot vote, how can you run for something? This is very odd...

Bend, OR Girl has been found safe

Thank God! I'm so happy for this family. Story here.

Jordan Bombing

So, not a surprise - Al Qaeda was behind the bombings, and their reasons are pretty sick: " The Al Qaeda claim, posted on a militant Internet site, said Jordan became a target because it was a haven for "Jews and crusaders ... a filthy place for the traitors ... and a center for prostitution."
Crusaders? What? Are we still living in the middle ages? One of these homicide bombers went into a wedding reception to blow himself up! Someone please explain to me how a wedding is some sort of crusader event. Looks like the Jordanians are rising up in protest. Good for them! Full story from here.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This day in History

Some food for thought: today is the 67th anniversary of Kristallnacht in Germany, Nov 9, 1938. I hadn't thought about this event until Michael Savage brought it up today on his show. He is comparing/paralleling that event with the 13 nights of rioting in France. Interesting. I had not thought to make the connection, which shows that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Most Americans have long forgotten this terrible night for the Jews. Most Americans my age have no idea what this night was all about. It makes me angry and sad that my fellow Americans do not know history and cannot see that many events are coming around again full circle.

No guns allowed in San Fran

The citizens of San Francisco have given up their 2nd admendment rights to protect themselves. What a bunch of weak people! So what if I lived in an apartment in San Fran, and a guy busts in trying to rape me?! I can't have a gun, so that's out. I guess I can use a knife or baseball bat....but darn, a gun sure would be the best defense, but if I used it I probably would be arrested for breaking the law after I get raped. NICE! Criminals can now have guns, and the citizens can not, but the citizens voted this in, so I guess they deserve it if they are going to be this completely insane. I think this is unconstitutional and the fine people of the NRA have filed a lawsuit. Stay tuned.

Bend, OR Girl missing in Brazil

Story here.

More attacks against Christian girls

This story is a follow up from my previous post regarding the beheading of the Christian girls in Indonesia. Now two more were shot near a church. I thought Islam was supposed to be the "religion of peace"?

RAVE: Monorail is Dead!

The moron-rail finally has gone down in defeat. I am so thrilled!! Unfortunately, there is a chance we will all still be paying the car excise tax for a couple more years to cover remaining costs. That is very annoying, but at least this stupid project is finally done!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Iran Peace Plan

Huh? So what the hell is it - war or peace? Just one week after Iran declares Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth, now they are presenting a peace plan for the Middle East. Interseting... I say, beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

Senator Al Franken?

Oh no, say it ain't so.... Al Franken is going to make a Senate run for 2008?!

Poor excuse for a mom in NY

How are people like this even allowed to pro-create? 5 children with 5 different fathers? yuck... I really hope these kids find good homes, and that this mother never ever gets them back.

Monday, November 07, 2005

French Riots

I just don't understand why France is beginning a 12th night of rioting. This country is so weak. Don't they have something equivalent to the National Guard? Seems to me that they are just laying down and taking this.
This is the best the can come up with?: "'French President Jacques Chirac promised arrest, trials and punishment for those sowing "violence or fear"" So what if this guy promises pumishment, that doesn't mean anything to these violent pieces of crap. All they understand is violence, so the French military needs to unleash a firestorm.... oh wait, does France have a military?

Spike Lee - AMEN!

Now here is something I can completely agree with. The flimmaker, Spike Lee, has it right!

Barbra Streisand seems to think she matters

Hey Barbra, why don't you just sit in your mansion and enjoy your millions of dollars. No one cares what you have to say about politics. Impeach Bush? What an original one! Like we haven't heard this over and over, but hey, coming from you, people really better start paying attention.

Bill Clinton - a blowhard

Bill Clinton just won't go away. In this story, reported by, he is calling the Bush Tax-Cuts "immoral" and "unethical". Huh...last time I checked, I didn't consider getting a tax cut immoral at all and I could care less what the rest of the world thinks about it. Clinton is just looking for any soapbox he can get on to keep himself in the news.

Friday, November 04, 2005


The Beavs will take on UW tomorrow here in Seattle. I will be watching from Corvallis, rooting on my favorite Black and Orange Team!!

Whole Foods

Rather than post a link to an article, thought I would make some comments about Whole Foods. For those of you who do not have a Whole Foods in your town or neighborhood, I'm not sure if you are lucky or unlucky. What this grocery store is, is a gourmet/organic/vegetarism heaven. The food here is wonderful - the seafood case is the freshest outside of Pike Place Market, the meat case if beautifully displayed, the deli/hot food area is to die for and the bakery....just looking at it will pack on pounds. So you can imagine that this place is very popular. What I find interesting is that this company somehow has a knack for finding locations that have crappy parking with spots the size for Mini-Coopers. The one I go to has both an underground garage and an outdoor lot across the street. Both suck. But what amazes me about the underground lot is that is has this pick-up area for your groceries! Yes, even though you have one bag with 5 items, if you chose to, you can put your bag on a conveyeor belt that delivers it to the garage. Once you squeeze back into your Mini-Cooper or Hybrid, you drive up to this area with a separate lane from the rest of garage traffic, and an attendant will put your groceries in your trunk. Do you tip the guy?? That is what I was wondering today when I walked by two cars in the queue - both had able bodied (I didn't see any handicapped stickers) 40-something women at the wheel. One of them had the attendant load two not-so-full bags of groceries into her trunk. Maybe she had a broken leg I couldn't see or something, but I don't get it. You can't carry two bags of groceries yourself??! How LAZY! I can see how this service would be great if you are like 90 yrs old, or maybe you've got a couple kids in the stroller. But if you are like me, 30 and in decent shape, don't be a piece of crap and be this lazy....

Now, onto the actual shopping experience at Whole Foods. Every time I go there it is like the entire population of Seattle is there. And there is no "flow" to this store at all. People are every which way. But the thing I find most interesting is that this store makes people all of a sudden have no concept of the space around them. Maybe it is b/c they are so dazzled by the produce displays, or maybe they are high from the bakery fumes... I'm not sure what it is. All I know is I'm trying to get in there and get out and it's like every step I take someone setps in front of me, hesitates, blocks the aisle with their huge cart, is starting off in space, etc... I don't get it.
All I know, is that this place is very frustrating....but darnit, they have the best food in town!

Hamas has put us on warning

Looks like the Jew killing and suicide bombing will start up again. Wonderful! Let's ring in 2006 with some killing!

I like Italy

There are so many reasons to love Italy and it's culture - the best food, best shoes, best clothes, fast cars, great wine, the Amalfi coast, Ducati bikes...the list goes on and on. But this story really makes my heart warm even more - the Italians are in support of Israel and let the world know it!

They are now beheading children

Three Christian girls in Indonesia were beheaded while they were walking to school. The terrorists who carried this out did it just to destabilize relations between the local Muslims and Christians. This is inhumane!! I think if I start ranting about this I will make myself ill. The story speaks for itself.

Court redefines parenthood

OMG!! That is all I can say about this story. This is just so sad for this child. What is wrong with Washington state?! Everything is so screwed up around here..... This ruling is wrong wrong wrong...

RAVE! Kudos to this editorial

As many of you know, I loathe the Monorail project for two very clear reasons - 1) the taxes I've incurred, and 2) the route of the green line, which does not move the most amount of people around the region - it only serves just a few in-city neighborhoods. This editorial gets it right! Come Nov 8th, I will be voting down the Moron-rail for the 3rd time now.

Thank God I'm not North Korean

This country is a sick place. Now they are encouraging their woman to not wear pants and stick to traditional Korean clothes b/c the "the U.S. imperialists are maneuvering to spread the rotten bourgeois lifestyle inside North Korea". Yes N.K., that is right, we're trying to get you thru our clothes - watch out!!


I was really surprised to see these comments from President Carter.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Protesting in Seattle

While I spent yesterday at my office actually working and getting something done, I missed out on the big anti-war/anti-Bush activities going on in Seattle. Apparently the event drew about 1,000, mostly students, who probably should be in school learning something rather than marching thru my neighborhood. I tend to doubt the number of 1,000, as this event wasn't even mentioned on the 6pm local news.

Here's a great quote from a protestor:
"We can't even vote, and they're, like, trying to make us fight for a country we can't even change," said Zabrina Duncan, 16, a junior at Roosevelt High School.
"like trying"? maybe if she stayed in school she could learn some better grammer. Fight for what country - the US or Iraq? Seems she didn't have that thought put together very well.

And here is some more news out of San Fran....

Yesterday, a Molotov cocktail was throw at police during anti-war riots. Now wait, aren't these people supposed to be for peace and love..... interesting...

"Filmmaker finds positive in suicide bombers"

There is a new documentary coming out this week about suicide bombers and guess where it is opening?! San Francisco! HA - are you surprised?! The filmmaker has found "enormous human depth in these kinds of people'". What?? Where is the humanity in suicide? This filmmaker really is sick. He is glorifying these kinds of actions and blames the Israeli's for the bombings. Ah yes, the old "blame the Jews" excuse. Yes, they brought it on themselves by mearly exisiting in this world. The showing of this sort of film here in the US is really sick. This guy is attempting to get US citizens to develop some sort of sympathy for the suicide bombers and of course San Fran is the prefect hotbed of liberalism for that.

$1 Million for killing Jews

Iran gave the Palestinian Authority $1 Million in thanks for killing Jews. So I guess it pays to raise a child to be a suicide bomber. They've got themselves quite a little cottage industry going on over there. Lovely.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This story made me laugh

Ah, this story brought back such fond memories of when I was in school and got into trouble for talking too much. I got in trouble for this ALL the time and looking back, deserved it. But in the insane PC/ultra sensitive world we live in, this teacher got in trouble for trying to discipline a "talker". This story cracks me up for this reason: when I was in 6th grade, my home-room teacher put my desk out in the hall in order to get me away from all the other kids I was distracting by my incesant chatter. I was in the hall, but right in front of the open door so could still particiapte in our lesssons. I was definitely pretty embarressed, but did not consider it "creul and unusual" and no one told my parents. Nothing about this incident has turned me into a maladjusted adult. This kid should grow a backbone - he was humiliated? What a baby! Back in my day, sure, I was embarressed, but didn't feel like it was the end of the world. The parents in this story really need to lighten up and chill out!!

Iran update: Continued hate - are you suprised?

Hmmm....things are getting a little scary in Iran. Again, why is Iran a UN member? "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" do not strike me as peaceful chants. Iran's president is standing by last week's brilliant remark that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and this is now fueling the cult of hate over there.

Nov 2nd - One Year Anniv of Bush's re-election

So today is the BIG day that local Seattle school kids are encouraged to "walk-out" in protest of the war, Bush, etc... Many of these events are going on throughout the country today. Over the weekend I had the pleasure of seeing this groups flyer tacked up all over my neighborhood on telephone polls. The World Can't Wait group is spewing the usual hate.
Here are some highlights from their site:
Your government is openly torturing people, and justifying it. (Really? Who are we openly torturing? I would really like to know)

Your government is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule. (Again, the message here is Christians are bad)

People look at all this and think of Hitler — and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come. We must act now; the future is in the balance. (Ah yes, the old "Bush is Hitler" slogan. A favorite mantra of these loons. Fascist? I doubt any of these morons even know what fasicsm is or the history of that movement. How can they when they are not in school)

The movie industry continues to suck

Hollywood churns out lame and crappy movies year after year, but somehow keeps making gazillions of dollars. But that is not they are going after a grandfather for 4 movies his grandson downloaded from the internet. They want damages of up to $600k!!! For what??! This story does not indicate that the grandson was out selling copies of these movies, so why sue for so much. I really feel for this 67 yr old man, who will now have to shell out for a lawyer to fight Hollywood. This does not make me want to go to the movies and give these idiots my money..... UGH!!

Chavez continues to be crazy

More stuff coming out of Venezuela. This guy is nuts....

"Freshman" no longer allowed

Apparently since the word "freshman", denoting someone in 9th grade, has the word "man" in it, it's now considered offensive. HUH??! This is PC madness at a whole new level. Story here.

Halliburton Hypocrite!

Well Well Well... Looks like Michael Moore is a hypocrite. Read here.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why is this a news story?

The big Baldwin-Basinger custody battle of 2005! Why is this news and why does anyone care? I feel sorry for their daughter, who obvisouly has two very angry and bitter adults for parents. So sad....

Posting comments to my blog

For those of you wishing to comment on any of my entries, I have changed the security level to "anyone", meaning you do not have to register on But, please at least identify yourself. Anonoymus comments of a sarcastic nature are not appreciated - if you don't like my blog, then don't read it or try to put me down.

Thanks and happy reading!

The anti-war left seeks a challenger for Hillary Clinton

Oh Boy...this would be scary. Cindy Sheehan for Prez??!! Who are these freaks that flock to her and hang on her every word? I just don't get it... But the thought of her as president gave me a nice chuckle....

Chavez warns of spooky US Halloween 'terrorism'

The leader of Venezuela really is a nut. And the writer of this article is incorrect - Halloween is not only a US tradition. This holiday has been around long before the US was even a country and has it's origins in Europe..not the US. Get your facts straight.

European decline

Interesting story from WND. In Europe, the word "Christ" will now be spelled with a lowercase "c". I guess He's just not that important anymore. How sad...

Alcohol and sports go together

Editorial from my hometown newspaper regarding alcohol and OSU football games. The writer thinks alcohol and sports should not go together. I disagree. Beer and an NFL game belong together. Tailgating and an OSU game go together. If you don't want to drink, then don't. But don't try to ruin it for the rest of us. The writer puts down those who feel the need to get a "buzz". So what if someone wants to get a buzz. Sometimes you need a buzz.... I think this writer just doesn't like football and is a party pooper....

I'm sick of Catholic bashing

Mike Wallace is a snooty jerk. Read here.

Crazy Seattle

Organizers of this event are encouraging high school students to "walk-off" campus in protest of the Iraq war. Students need to be in school, not out protesting. But hey, it's just another day up here in craaaazzyy Seattle.

Christmas stamp offensive to Hindus

In this day and age, it seems every little ethnic/religious group can find something to be offended about. Everyone is so damn sensitive these days! ugh... Here's a story about a stamp that is now offending people. Give me a break....

Monday, October 31, 2005

This is sick and sad

3 losers in Texas murder the woman who was helping them. I sure hope they get some Texas style justice....meaning the chair!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Hit and Run Rant

Another hit and run??!! These are happening almost daily now. The driver in this incident was chased down, and when confronted said that he knew he hit the kids, but was late for work. HUH??!! What kind of depraved thinking is that. I hope they catch this loser.

Hey all you drivers out there - if you hit a person, you need to take responsibility!

Pac-10 Weekend Action: GO BEAVS!

The Beavs will take on Arizona tomorrow in Corvallis. Unfortunately it will not be televised. Also, let's root for the Cougs as they take on USC. It would be very sweet to see USU taken down just one notch. Good Luck Cougs!

Yes, Iran should be removed from the UN

The whole idea of the United Nations, is that the member nations are 'united", not trying to wipe each other off the planet. Iran needs to go, plain and simple. The issue is not complex. They made their position clear - they are intolerant psychos! Story here.
The US should put economic sanctions on Iran now. No more Iranian products should enter this country. Wait, come to think of it, what products does Iran export anyway...

Iran needs a beat down

Tony Blair has warned Iran. They need a beat down now! I'm so sick of this anti-Israel crap spewing out of the middle east. It's sick. I will never in my lifetime understand the hatred toward the Jewish people...I just simply don't get it.

Thank you Leo DiCaprio

Without your infinite knowledge of how this planet works, the rest of us would be in the dark. In these scary times, it is such a comfort that we all have you to turn to, o wise one.
Actors and actresses really are the ones who know everything about the world. I'm so glad they all speak up and make their voices heard.
(sarcasam here folks)

Muslims trash Egyptian church

The religion of Islam claims to be tolerant of other religions, but I think this example speaks for itself.
If a group of Christians trashed a mosque, it would be world war three - literally. But when it's the other way around, somehow the world turns a blind eye. It would be nice to see the UN step in and put the smack down on these Egyptian muslims, but we all know that will never happen. ugh...

Kill humans to save animals?

Most of you who know me know I love animals, but I'm not really a PETA person, and I'm defintiely not in line with this insane individual. This guy needs some mental help big time....

Death to Israel and America?

Rallies were held today in Iran against Israel, and now I guess us as well. Click here for the story. Of course the UN will do nothing about this...they'll let Iran stay as a UN member and just look the other way as always. I really feel for Israel. They try to be a light of democracy in a very disturbed part of the world...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Watch your speed!

To those who live in WA, head's up...cops are going to start issuing more tickets. Quick story here.

Good for you Israel!!

Israeli Forces Kill Islamic Jihad Commander . Too bad, so sad....another piece of crap Jew killer bites the dust. I will not be shedding a tear for this guy.

The Sheehan Saga - Part 16

Poor poor misunderstood Cindy Sheehan was arrested last night. Something she should definitely be very proud of...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wacky headline....

Ok, come on Rome...a ban on goldfish bowls? This is serious? What is this world I am living in these days.... ???

Nice.....real nice

Huh....seems to me that Syria will never want peace with it's neighbor, Israel. I don't even know where to begin with this story.... With crap like this being produced and aired on TV, what hope does the Middle East ever have.

Israel should be wiped off the map?

Ugh....this story is sick. I can't believe this guy became a leader - he was one of the guys who held our citizens hostage in 1979!! Something is very wrong over in Iran....

OMG! This is sick

This story makes me ill. What a total weirdo!

RAVE: A muppets comeback?

This would be very fun! Love the muppets.....

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Whoever posted this, you could have identified yourself.
Thanks so much for that 1% clairfication...might have missed that without your comment....

Anonymous said...
Just because 51% or people say they believe in God, does't mean that "God Wins", or that the idea of God is true, it just means that a slightly larger group of people believe in God as opposed to evolution, but only by 1%.
1:35 PM

It's a mad, mad PC world out there

Here's a story from Britian - politcal correctness yet again....

God vs. Evolution - God wins!

According to a CBS study, 51 % of Americans believe God created humans. Read here for full story.

Too bad CBS wasted time conducting a poll on a topic that should be common sense. In a world such as ours, Earth, the order of things is WAY too complex for all of this to have happened just at random. Here is the Webster's dictionary definition of the word: Main Entry: 1ran·dom: a haphazard course- at random : without definite aim, direction, rule, or method
The very defintion of the word implies no order. If we take that argument, then the creation of this world was just a roll of the dice and we got lucky? I don't think so people.....

Al Franken - Part 2

Just when I thought yesterday's Al Franken story was out there.....this little nugget came along today. Michelle Malkin has some great stills of this video here to see the bizarre display that is Al Franken.

Grrrr...Hit and Run drivers!

Here is something I just can't comprehend - hit and run. What kind of person does this? I've been noticing more and more of these stories the past couple of years, and not just here in the Seattle area... it's happening all over. How can someone be so heartless as to leave someone to die? Just shows how far our society has fallen.... very sad.


I hate extreme Christians like this....

Be glad we have free speech

Sharia Law in Islam is so bizarre. Click here for a story from Afghanistan.

Hey White House - Lighten up!

The White House has time to be concerned about what The Onion is doing?
If anyone out there has not yet discovered The Onion, click here. So funny!!

Why does the ACLU hate Christianity so much?

The ACLU is at it again, taking on a tiny town in New Mexico over a small cross on it's city seal. This town has a population of of less than 500...what kind of resources do they have to fight the big bully of the ACLU? Read here....

Monday, October 24, 2005


Python in toilet? yuck... Next time you're about to take a seat, maybe you better take a look :-)

Is this supposed to be comedy?

Al Franken really is pathetic. His little foray into radio went no where, so this is how he tries to get attention. This isn't even funny....

The Cindy Sheehan Saga continues

Thanks to Michelle Malkin's site for this story.
Is this woman hoping for a 2000th death? She already has something planned in it's honor? If you ask me, that is pretty sick...but I wouldn't expect much else from her. She really needs some mental help...or maybe a strong drink.

Wow. Talk about screwing up....

This guy really messed up his life... Why some people continue to drink and drive is beyond me.

Can this guy get any more off his rocker?

Oh Boy, Howard Dean is at it again. Bush White House most corrupt? Looks like the Clinton years have already been forgotten...

Shameful and immoral

What a sad story out of Pittsburgh. What is wrong with people.....

Exterminate White People? Huh?

Here is some nice reverse racism for you taken to the extreme. I find it really interesting that is seems to be the black community who likes to fuel the fires of racism...not the other way around. Can't we all just get over the whole skin color thing and be done with it. UGH....

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oregon Catholics: Rooting for you!

I will pray that my fellow Oregon Catholics win this lawsuit. The church's property should be off-limits to these alleged sex abuse victims..... If they are indeed victims, that really sucks, but they do not have the right to take everything (they want $170 million!!) from the rest of us.

What the the hell is this???

Read this story. Bibles now are not allowed at Edinburgh University in Scotland b/c they are deemed offensive to people of other faiths!? So, doesn't this mean now they are disciminating against Christians, which would contridict their statement that they "Wants 'students of all faiths feel at home' ?
Huh? What am I missing here...?

Ah, Islam is such a tolerant religion....

UGH... this story is a major rant! I don't think this guy is familiar with a pretty well-known book.... THE BIBLE!

Friday, October 21, 2005


The Beavs will be playing UCLA down there at the Rose Bowl tomorrow, 4:10pm on TBS.

Uh Oh...not good

This development might not be very good for Bush.....

Here's what happens when you play with fire...

This kid got mixed up with Satan and the result is a dead woman. Hmmm....perhaps this is a clue to stay away from the "dark side"...

This makes me sick

This story is very disturbing... What the hell were these 3 even doing in our country? Obvisouly they were not here to pick lettuce.

Christians persecuted in China

Christians continue to be persecuted throughout the world, especially in communist countries. Read here for the lastest crackdown in China.

If anyone is interested in reading and learning more about persecuted Christians, subscribe to this free monthly newsletter through the Voice of the Martyrs. I've been getting it now for about 4 months and it is a real eye-opener.

Let's lighten up on Halloween

This church needs to lighten up a little bit...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sometimes clowns are scary

These clowns were not nice.

This is sad....

A school censored a poster created by a Kindergartener that had Jesus in it? Picking on 5 year olds? Where does this whole separation of church and state thing end.... Come one with the 5 year olds.... leave them alone. Poor Kid. At least he got his day in court and won.

Release a terrorist?

Bush better not go along with this!! Release a terrorist? Insanity!!

This is funny

Hmmm...sounds like you can't be a body part for Halloween when you're in high school. Too bad, b/c this is really funny (to me, at least). Not sure how it is sexual harrassment though.... out for this guy

Just when you are minding your own business on the freeway, driving the speed limit and being safe....this guy comes out of nowhere. Scary.... I see freaky drivers like this all the time and they scare me....

Monday, October 17, 2005


This story was sad enough, but now we find out the driver of the bus was an illegal alien!! He doesn't even belong in this country in the first place.... My blood is boiling!

RAVES: Hard to find....

Since starting this blog, I'm searching in vain for some "raves". Because of the title of this blog, I know I need to give a thumbs-up every now and then to balance out my rants.... but man, the raves are sure hard to find. I will continue my search.... Stand-by while I look for good deeds to report.

Oh Boy...

Here is an interview with a terrorist leader, interview conducted by Read the very last paragraph....they make it clear they will not stop until the drive the Jews out of Jerusalem, and out of their homeland. As you can see from this, they do not want peace. They just want Jews gone so they can take over. Ugh!

Here it is in plain English:
ABDEL-AL: Gaza was the first step. The next one shall be the West Bank. Following the West Bank we will chase the Israelis until they leave Jerusalem. The struggle will end only when the Jews will leave all of our land. For many of us Gaza isn't our home. We are refugees in Gaza. Our homes are in Jaffa, Lod and Ramla. We advise every Jew who came to be a settler in our land, to go back to the place where he came from. We will not keep a place for their bones or even for their graves. The struggle is for the whole Palestine. All this land is Palestine, and if the Jews want to rescue themselves they should run away.

This guy is on the right track...

A scientist gets it right. There are so many aspects of life on this planet that could not have just happened randomly. Anyone who has a basic knowledge of genetics and some common sense knows this. I can't believe there are people out there that hold to the theory of evolution, esp. in respect to human beings. We are too complex to have happened just at random.

Kennedy attempts to redeem himself

Normally when Ted Kennedy encounters someone in the water who needs help...he lets them drown. But this time it looks like he tried to help. Maybe he thought this cancelled out this past sin..... Good luck Ted!

Rant: Where are the parents?!

Who does something like this? Where are her parents?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Farraakhan very close to needing a straight jacket...

Oh boy....I don't even know where to start with this story....

Oh Pllluuuuzzze....

Read this story... Rainbow Flag burning now a hate crime? Give me a break.... This country is full of whimps who get offended at the slightest thing. Personally, I'm sick of seeing rainbow flags and stickers every where I go... Ugh....

Oh God, here were go again....

Potential storm yet again for the Gulf Coast. God just won't let up on us this season....

And now a distrubing development from China...

Could the Chinese rival our naval strength? Very scary thought... Read here.

Hmmm....I don't think the Russians are our friends...

Interesting story about Iran getting help from the Russians.... From WND... Read On...

Beavs beat Cal!! Oh Yeah...

Congrats to the Beavs on winning the battle against Cal!! You guys rock....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Good for you Netherlands!!

Now here is an excellent example of trying to bring some people in from the 13th century! Hey Ladies, take off the burka..... it's so 6 centuries ago!

Follow up to my Pre-Rant of yesterday...

Sure enough, the trip down I-5 was chock full of annoying left lane drivers. Why Winnebago do you insist on the left lane? Who could you possibly be passing? And to all the semi's out there.....the left lane is not for you. When you see 15 pairs of headlights behind you, it's time to move it to the right! arrrgggghhh...

Oh Boy, atheists are offended once again...

"God Bless America" sign upsetting to Atheists, even though it is honoring our troops? Shameful. Poor atheists can't get a break...God is always in their faces....

Friday, October 14, 2005

Click here for Seattle story.

Will Seattle ever get it right?

More Election problems in Seattle. Voting twice? Gee, what a surprise.

This is a Pre-Rant....

Today I will be heading down to Corvallis and as always, I will surely encounter at least 6-8 drivers in the left lane who insist on going only the speed limit, or sometimes less. Yes, you know who you are....As I pass you on the right you will be yakking on your cell phone or completely spacing out, oblivious to those around you who are trying to get somewhere. You will not even look in my direction as I either stare you down, or if irritated enough, flip you the bird. You are doing a service to no one - get to the right and stay there....where you belong!


Raves to the middle school kid in Colorado who found and returned my brother's lost wallet...nothing was missing from the wallet, which is amazing, considering the way things are going in this country these days.

Senator Benator?

Uh we have another celebrity thinking of jumping into the policital fray. Now let me guess which party he belongs to.... Hmmm....Could it be the Dems? What a shocker....

What is with these two? YUCK

Is anyone else as confused as me? Katie is denying the in-vitro thing...but one has to wonder. Perhaps alien Scientology sperm was used to create the ultimate Theaten? Stand by world....


Don't forget to cheer on the Beavs tomorrow as they take on the Cal Bears. Broadcast nationally on ABC @ 12:30pm. Beware the Black Swarm!!

Welcome to my Blog

Greetings from a cloudy Seattle! This is my first offfical entry to this blog. Still getting the hang of things on how to link to articles and post pictures.
I will use this blog as a forum to share things I hate and things I love with my family and friends....and anyone else who might want to peer into the mind of ML.