Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tookie Williams - some food for thought

I've stayed away from blogging about Tookie Williams, as until recently I didn't know who he was or cared. But thanks to Hollyweird, all us regular folk will never forget the name Tookie Williams.
As I drove home from work yesterday I was listening to Michael Savage, who made a very thought provoking point, one that I had not even thought of. It goes something like this....the looney Left comes out in support of a murderer, Tookie, but are no where to be found when Terri Schaivo was about to be put to death. Where is the support for an innocent person like Terri? Rather than support, the left wanted to kill her. So what the left is saying is murderers should live and innocent people should die? If actions speak louder than words, then this is exactly what the Left's actions are saying. These are the values they are putting out there. I mulled this over in my head the whole way home and for some time after I was home. I was left feeling disgusted.

I watched some of the Tookie Death Watch coverage on various channels last night. On Larry King Live, he had a panel in the studio and then a "man on the spot" person standing guard outside San Quentien. At one point Mike Farrell (of MASH fame) chimed in very passionately about how disgusting it is that "we" are licking our lips over the death of a human being. What gal this man has!! He was practially crying as he utttered his words. Where was he when Terri was being put to death?! Probably sitting in his mansion in LA. What about Tookie's victims? Doesn't Mike Farrell care about them? Clearly not, which is pretty disturbing. Where was Mike Farrell when Ted Bundy was being put to death? I mean, hey, he could have redeemed himself too at the last minute. Oh, I get it...it is b/c Bundy was a white guy.

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