Monday, November 14, 2005

Separation of Church and State....again

Who does Michael Newdow think he is?!!! The arrogance of this man amazes me. He plans, this week, to file a lawsuit to get "In God We Trust" off our money!! He lost his Pledge of Alligence fight, so now he moves onto this. He claims to care that our government treat everyone fairly, but that is not true. His beef is that having this slogan on our money does not treat athetists equally (actually, his beef really is that he hates God and Christianity, but of course he won't spin it that way). But if he is successful, then the rest of us (99.9%) who want this on our money are not being treated fairly, so his argument holds no water at all. Can you imagine the cost involved in minting new money, and collecting the old? My God this man has balls thinking this is going to fly.
What will be next? - Sue Arlington Cemetary to get rid of all the grave makers b/c they are in the shape of a cross!?

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