Friday, December 30, 2005

A Happy New Year to All!

After today, I will be off my blog until Jan 3rd. Wanted to wish you all a wonderful new year! Here's to lots of good blessings in 2006.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

This is just SICK

Holy crap! I hope the two men in this story get what they deserve - a one way ticket to hell!

THIS cracks me up!

According to the Brits, Tom Cruise is the most annoying of all time! HA I agree! Quick Story here.

Is ABC smearing Catholics?

Check out Primetime Live tonight and make up your own mind. Apparently we had a female Pope at one time. I've never heard of this. I will watch tonight just to see how ABC spins this story....

What a bunch of stupid, whiney students

The students in this story are a bunch of whiney babies. Wearing a yellow star as part of a school assignment on the Holocaust is NOT going to all of a sudden turn you into a Jew. It is not violating anyone's religious freedom. No one asked these students to convert to Judiasm. Wow, what a bunch of stupid kids.

Wonderful little story

I love squirrels. Our dog spends lots of time cashing and hunting them :-)
This little squirrel story warmed my heart. Thought I would share.

Religion of Peace? I think not

More honor killings in Pakistan. This story clearly shows that Islam and the culture borne around it is not peaceful. Where is the honor in killing your own family members? There is no honor in killing. Only shame.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Who does something like this?

This story cracked me up just b/c it is so weird. Who is the person who
does something like this? Obviously this guy is one card shy of a deck...

What is going on in MIilwaukee??

This story is sick and disturbing. I will be praying for this man.
My question is....who/where are the parents of the kids involved
in this senseless crime? Who raised these people to be such savages?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

This is a belated Merry Christmas message. I took some time off over Christmas, so was not blogging. I'll be back on the blog this week thru Friday, then off again until the 3rd.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

This is rich...

The Mexicans are upset that we are thinking of building a wall along our border!! Well, tough shit, it's our border. Hey Mexico, last time I checked, this is our country, not yours. Butt out and get out!

The TomKat Saga - Birthday Party

Check this blurb out about Katie's birthday party. Very strange. The dinner sounds normal and nice, but then it takes a big detour at Bizarre Drive and continues onto Weirdo Lane.

Saddam is now playing the victim

Oh boo hoo. Poor Saddam. Looks like his very negative karma is coming back to get him. If they are indeed beating him, I hope they keep it up and take it up a big notch! He completely deserves everything he gets. Too bad he can't be held over here in San Quienten or that big supermax prison in Marion, IL. He wouldn't last 2 minutes in either of those places.


This is a creepy picture of the Pope.

Great Blog - Make it a Favorite

I stumbled onto this blog thru Michelle Malkin's site last week. It really is funny, and the source of my Stratego post last week. Now that I've given it a read for about 7 days, I am suggesting it to all of you. Make it a daily must read for an assured belly-laugh :-)


Tuesday morning follow-up, Part Two

As I drove into work this morning, yesterday's nightmare was just about forgotten, when it dawned on me that they could have gotten into my trunk. Rob mentioned this yesterday, but I don't really have anything worth stealing in my trunk, so I kind of blew off what he said. How wrong I was! I checked the trunk when I got to the office, and sure enough, they stole some Christmas items from me. So, Meltdown Level RED is back in effect.
When I was in Corvallis back on Dec 5/6th, my mom gave me all these Christmas gifts to take back up here, as well as gifts for my families in Vancouver, WA. I had brought everything into my house, except for the Vancouver stuff since I was heading there this weekend. I also had left my Christmas stocking in the trunk. I completely forgot it was there.
Of course those were the items some piece of shit stole from me. The Vancouver gifts were candy and food, so not as big a deal, but the Christmas stocking is a major deal. This is my stocking that I have had since my very first Christmas in 1975!! I'm going to have to check with my mom, but I think someone made it for me and it had my name on it.
I'm very sad about this and my Christmas spirit is now hanging by a thread. Some low life empitied it out, and probably just threw me away in a dumpster!! My mom is going to be crushed when she hears this news.
I'm disappointed with myself for not bring these items into my place, but DAMMIT I should be able to leave a few things in my trunk for God's sake!! Whoever stole from me, I hope they choke on the food that was in my stocking. I'm sorry, I know that is not in keeping with the Christian spirit of Christmas, but man.......

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday morning follow-up

Well, as you all can see from my earlier post, Tuesday did not start out very well for me. But the day got better, as I got a second very thoughtful gift from another financial advisor and work went pretty smoothly. My Meltdown Level is now down to BLUE...which stands for tranquility.
I also got a good belly laugh from this little nugget, curtosy of The Onion

Germany - you suck on this one!

Now come on Germany, what are you thinking??! Releasing a killer back into society?! This little move is not helping U.S.-German relations. Story here.

The ACLU Takes a Beating!

EXCELLENT!! Great News! Read here.

Holocaust Denial

This story is extremely disturbing to me. Not much more I can say. I think the story speaks for itself.

So far my morning is really sucking...

As usual I was running late this morning, trying to get out of the house by 7:30am, so I could pop into QFC and get gas on the way.
Let me start with some background studio apt is about 530 sq feet and normally not too cluttered and decently decorated.....a cozy home. Well, Rob has moved back up from Corvallis, so at the moment my apt has turned into insanity...boxes everywhere, piles of drycleaning, clutter, etc.. no room to move and my attempt at some level of home decor is shot to hell. But, I love R and very glad he is back...
So, as you can see I am already on Meltdown Alert Level Yellow and moving toward Red. In the midst of all the chaos I'm trying to pull together some kind of an outfit, curl my hair and put my makeup on. I finally get out at 7:40am, so doing ok on time, going to be about 5 mins late to work. Walking out to my car, I'm feeling my panic subside knowing I'm not going to be too late. But LOW AND BEHOLD, my car was broken into overnight!!! Yes, that is correct! Meltdown Level Red and then some! I am now in a mood most foul. I see a business card from a cop sitting on my driver's seat. I have no time to deal, so just picked up all the crap from my glovebox that some piece of shit rifled thru and snap at Rob to get in. We cruise over to our local Starbucks, where I pull up to drop him and our dog off. While I'm sitting there, an a-hole in a big van pulls up behind me determined to get my spot after I drive away. There was PLENTY of room in front of me for him, but he just HAD to have my pole position.
After Rob and Janni got out of the car I sat there rearranging my purse and some other things...then the van honked at me!! ARRGGGHH.... I threw him the arm and finger and I think Rob yelled "What are you honking at?!". I drove away in fury!
So, after all this I was 15 minutes late to work and extremely frazzled. But I opened my email and what did I find....a $100 gift certificate from one of the financial advisors at my office!! I was blown away. What a great gift. I felt my anger slowly melt and my Christmas spirit re-enter my body, and I smiled for the first time today. Although my morning has been one of the worst on record, this gift is a major bright spot and gives me hope that the rest of my day will be good.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The TomKat Saga Continues...

Here is the latest installment into this bizarre pairing. Boy these two creep me out. She sounds like a robot. Did the Scientologists suck out her brain? I am thinking yes.

Too much Tookie

I came across this excellent editorial today on the Seattle Times website. I think this worth reading.
Tookie Williams was a demented individual, not a martyr or saint deserving of the attention he received. There is something very wrong in this country when we glorify a murderer and ignore the victim(s).

Give me a break!!

Oh boy... I'm not sure where to start with this story. The headline is this: "Eminem Music Allegedly Used As U.S. Torture Device". Of course a human rights watch dog group is all over this one.
Now Eminem is not exactly my favorite and I sure wouldn't want to listen to it for 20 days straight, but torture? I don't thnk so...
Now having to listen to jam bands like Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews or Phish...that might count as torture.. HA!
All joking aside, the bottom line here people is this: The focus needs to be fighting terror and winning...not which music is played in a prison.

Wishing the death of another...

Only one day after Sharon suffers a stroke, the religion of peace and tolerance is wishing death upon this human being. This is really sick, but since it's the Palestinians I'm not surprised in the least.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Words of Wisdom

Finally, some wise words from a celebrity for once. I completely agree with Morgan Freeman here. What this country needs is less people playing the "race cards"...can't we all just be Americans. Looks like Morgan Freeman hopes so...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Jews not human?

According to the Palestinians, Jews are not even human. Rather, they are descended from pigs and monkeys. Wow, I'm so glad the Palestinians cleared this up for me b/c all this time I had been thinking that Jews were my fellow human beings.
And wait, isn't Islam supposed to be the great religion of peace and tolerance? huh. not seeing it here.

This woman is a moron

A Merry Christmas sign in North Carolina is offending a woman b/c it mentions Jesus. UGH!! I will mention that she is Jewish, but that still doesn't excuse her misplaced offense. I personally think if a sign LIKE THIS offends you, you have some kind of mental problem or too much time on your hands. This is a positive message, not a negative one.

I'm Catholic, thus a Christian, but the menorah of Hanukkah doesn't offend me in the slightest. The 8 lights are beautiful! In fact, perhaps I will have one in my home one day and light it up! Why not. It's not hurting anyone, just as much as Merry Christmas should not be hurtful.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A gift for your pacifist friends

A MUST SEE!! Found this on Michelle Malkin's website. This is the gift that should be under every good liberal/war hater's tree!
(I had a stomach ache from laughing so hard) For more on this game, the pieces and how to play CLICK HERE. Fun for the whole pacifist family!!


Click here to see what happens when you get too much collagen on your lips. YIKES!!
I am so glad God blessed me with normal looking lips that are medium full and will never need any work.

Europeans Outraged at Schwarzenegger

Again, this time from Europe (big surprise), special thought and outraged feelings for Tookie Williams. What about special thought and outrage over his crimes? How about some outrage for his victims and their families? ! Even The Vatican chimed in with this:
At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI's top official for justice matters denounced the execution.
"We know the death penalty doesn't resolve anything," said Cardinal Renato Martino. "Even a criminal is worthy of respect because he is a human being. The death penalty is a negation of human dignity."

The Vatican really disappoints me at times. As a Catholic I have a hard time respecting a criminal who had ZERO respect for the human dignity of his victims. What about them?

Tookie Williams - some food for thought

I've stayed away from blogging about Tookie Williams, as until recently I didn't know who he was or cared. But thanks to Hollyweird, all us regular folk will never forget the name Tookie Williams.
As I drove home from work yesterday I was listening to Michael Savage, who made a very thought provoking point, one that I had not even thought of. It goes something like this....the looney Left comes out in support of a murderer, Tookie, but are no where to be found when Terri Schaivo was about to be put to death. Where is the support for an innocent person like Terri? Rather than support, the left wanted to kill her. So what the left is saying is murderers should live and innocent people should die? If actions speak louder than words, then this is exactly what the Left's actions are saying. These are the values they are putting out there. I mulled this over in my head the whole way home and for some time after I was home. I was left feeling disgusted.

I watched some of the Tookie Death Watch coverage on various channels last night. On Larry King Live, he had a panel in the studio and then a "man on the spot" person standing guard outside San Quentien. At one point Mike Farrell (of MASH fame) chimed in very passionately about how disgusting it is that "we" are licking our lips over the death of a human being. What gal this man has!! He was practially crying as he utttered his words. Where was he when Terri was being put to death?! Probably sitting in his mansion in LA. What about Tookie's victims? Doesn't Mike Farrell care about them? Clearly not, which is pretty disturbing. Where was Mike Farrell when Ted Bundy was being put to death? I mean, hey, he could have redeemed himself too at the last minute. Oh, I get is b/c Bundy was a white guy.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Stupid celebrities and Famous people

Continued thanks to Michelle Malkin for this one...

Click here for the 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes of 2005. Below is a sample. Enjoy!!

35) "As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on the record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families. We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead." -- Moby

33) "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. All we need is one more liar." -- Helen Thomas

17) "I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry." -- Louis Farrakhan speculates that New Orleans was deliberately flooded

40) "I took a poo in the woods hunched over like an animal. It was awesome." -- Drew Barrymore

The apple fell far from the tree...

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for this story.
Chris Wallace (Fox News) is the son of Mike Wallace, of 60 Minutes fame. Check out what he has to say about his father here - ouch!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Iran's President disgusts me

Irna's president furthers his anti-Israel comments with the suggestion that the Holocuast may not have happened and perhaps Israel should be moved to Europe. This is a very sick and deranged man.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Does anyone know what today is??

Today, Dec 7, is the day that will live in infamy. Yes, that's right. Today is the anniversairy of Pearl Harbor. Sadly, the few times I checked and my local, I saw no mention of this monumental day in our country's history. I will keep checking the regular media outlets to see if Pearl Harbor is mentioned...

Lame Bush cartoon

Ah, the old "Bush is Hitler" thing played. This time in cartoon form. Thanks to Michelle Malkin for this one. Enjoy!

Thou Shalt not Steal

Nothing says Merry Christmas more than stealing. Sorry to bring the mood down, but here is a sad story out of my hometown. I hpoe these losers get what they deserve...

A Silent Night no more

OMG! Check this story out! The rage against Christmas this year is at an all time high. It's getting out of hand, and I think this story is the last straw for me. From now on, I'm going to wish everyone I come in contact with in public a Merry Christmas. I'm going to say it so much people will get sick of me. I'm motivated now to put up something on my front door that says Christmas loud and clear - not a wreath, but something with Angels, Jesus and Mary. Maybe even a huge gold cross! There will be no doubt that Apartment #310 is celebrating Christmas!! And if any of the hippies in my bldg don't like it, that will be too bad!

White House "Holiday" card is lame

It's kind of hard to have a Christmas card without the Christmas part in it. But leave it to the White House to lay an egg with their crappy generic holiday message card. Good going George!

Nativity Scene Vandalized

Merry Christmas folks. Doesn't this story just fill you with yultide cheer?! Not me. Whoever did this is a sick individual.

I'm Back!!

For those of you checking my blog on a regular basis, I apologize for the lack of witty banter lately. I've been on vacation for several days down in Oregon. I returned to Seattle last night and am ready to BLOG BLOG BLOG!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Poor Lady....but she kicks ass

This 96 year old is an inspiration! I pray that I have this much strength at her age.

Another one bites the dust.....

Another Al-Qaeda goes down! Boom! Good riddance. Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out! Say hi to God for me when he banishes you to Hell for all eternity!

ACLU is suing the CIA??

What the hell is this all about? The ACLU is defending terror suspects? UUH? What about defending Americans -what happened to that? I guess I should not be surprised to read this headline...
In case you all out there have not been paying attention the ACLU hates hard working Americans and Christianity. They love gay rights, abortion, and terrorists. And people like that piece of crap Ward Churchill.
They are AKA American Criminal Lawyers Union and the American Criminal Liars Union and the All Crappy Lawyers Union. They suck. Period.

Tai Shan - Panda Cub

OMG!!! That is all I can say about this. I've been following the new panda cub for a few months now via the Animal Planet website. Is he not the cutest, sweetest thing you have ever seen (besides my cat Matty)??

Hollywood Marriage Report

Honestly, as bizarre as this guy is, I truely hope he is happy being married and has a good marriage. Maybe he will start smiling for once and loose the black lipstick....


Becoming a father before becomig a husband....or a husband not at all, seems to be the trend in Holly-weird these days. Brad Pitt has now jumped on this train with his homewrecker girlfriend, Angelina Jolie. I guess at least these kids will be a male role model in their lives...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Sonogram + Tom Cruise = One very bizarre story

In case you hadn't heard, the Cruise-man bought his own sonogram for Katie. And now the experts are sending him a message: leave the sonograms to us! Gee, you think??
Tom Cruise gets more odd by the day. I used to love this guy, thought he was hot, saw all his movies, etc.... but man, lately, I'm getting disgusted. I think I'm done ever seeing any more of his movies. He's joined my actor boycott list (also on the list is Sean Pean, Gwyenth Paltrow, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon and Johnny Depp).

Would you use black toilet paper?

Well, it's all the rage over in Europe, so it will hit the U.S. shores I'm sure very soon.

China continues to persecute Christians

This time they bulldozed a Catholic church and beat up nuns.
I am going to start making every effort to not buy anything that is "Made in China". It's hard to avoid, but it can be done.

Al Gore - you suck

Hey everyone. Check this story out! Russia is selling arms to Iran, and it's OK, according to Al Gore! Right on Al, good work.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Did Bush really lie? let's discuss....

Bush Lied, People Died. This is the favorite mantra of the left in reference to the Iraq War. But what about another president....say, Clinton?
Larry Elder examines this in his new column here. What about the intelligence Clinton used? Was it accurate?

In Hawaii an unborn baby is not a person. Period. End of story

This story is sick sick sick. Expect to hear alot of it on talk radio today and tomorrow.
The baby in this story has a name, so how is that not a person? If an unborn baby is not human, than what is it? An alien?
This woman deserves severe punishment for being so blatantly reckless toward her child, but instead she gets off scot-free to go on with her life.
She's a total loser in my book. This country just continues to slide down into the bowels of depravity.