Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My Beavs are College World Series Champs!!!

All I can say is..... GO BEAVS!!! This is awesome!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Largest Rubberband Ball Ever.....

How could i how ever guessed before clicking on this headline that this person would be out of Eugene? Could it have been the headline? No, not Eugene..... not the obvious please?!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

RAVE: Seattle Sun

I love it when the sun is out in Seattle and it's a scorcher!! Bring on the heat!! Today was sooo beautiful - sun, boats on the water, people out! Janni and I spent part of the day at a park on Mercer Island. Alas, no pics as my repaired camera is still in route from CA. Maybe next time..


We are tied 1-1 for the college World Series!!! Tomorrow, Monday, will be the deciding game!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Annoying Livestrong wrist bands

For those of you who are like me, and are sick of seeing these everywhere (ok, I'm mean sometimes - so what?), for those of you who are depressed, feeling blue, or are just not as chipper as the Livestrong wearers, then Archie McPhee has a great alternative you.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Duh... It's the environment stupid

Humans are to blame for a 1 degree rise in temps in the last 100 years? Woa, hottest temps in 2000 years? Watch out, I'm freaking out over here!

Ok people, it's called the environment. How about the last Ice Age? Or the hot temps when dinosauers roamed the earth - was that caused by humans, b/c if I recall, our species was not on Earth quite yet 65million yrs ago??! Stephen Hawking says Earth could become like Venus with 250F temps??!! Huh... When, when will that be Mr. Hawking? It's never been like that before?

Look, the bottom line is that the earth has gone thru cycles in the past - scientific research proves that. So I'm completely bafled as to where the disconnect lies here on this issue??!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Very interesting article....

Fascinating article regaring European-Arab realtions. Worth here

Holy Plastic Surgery!!

Wow! This is gross.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What a loser

Hmmmm.....prison time didn't do much for this lady.

Two Words: Kevin Federline

I've recovered from my early morning almost heart attack, and have now moved onto a different kind of heart attack brought on by uncontrollable laughter at THIS!!

Soliders Bodies Found, Killed in a Barbaric Way

Wow, what a surprise that the religion of peace again killed fellow human beings in a most un-civilized way. My guess would be beheading, the favorite method of killing by these pieces of shit. Here is a nice quote from some Al Quaeda loser: "With God Almighty's blessing, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer carried out the verdict of the Islamic court" for the soldier's slaying, said a statement in the name of the Mujahedeen Shura Council. Later the message used the word "slaughtered," which in previous cases has been used to describe beheadings.
With God's Almighty blessing? Huh?! Which God are they referring to, b/c the God I believe in would never give His blessing to this. I love how this news article refers to these people as "insurgents". These are not insurgents. These are assholes who ambush, kidnap, torture and kill their fellow humans. In my opinoin, these punks are complete wastes-of-space and have no point even living on Earth with the rest of us.
I better stop here as my anger is growing and it's only 8:25am....need to get thru the rest of my day without having a heart attack. FULL STORY HERE.

Monday, June 19, 2006

More Scenes of Boston

1) Copp's Hill Burying Ground - North End Boston

2) squirrel in the Boston Common. They were very tame.

3)USS Constituion, circa 1792
4) ML on the USS Constitution

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Funny/Cool blog

I found this blog a few months back thru some other blog I go to daily. Now I go to this one daily. Whoever this chick is in NYC, she is crazy funny!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Scenes of Boston

As promised, here are pics of my last day in Boston. Once I knew we were definitely moving back to Seattle, I spent a marathon Saturday from 12pm-7pm seeing everything I wanted to one last time. My day started with getting lost around Charlestown and ending up in a neighborhood with only El Salvador was a little un-nerving. I re-grouped and got myself to a parking lot in the North End. From there I explored the North End, went Paul Revere's house, had lunch (lobster raviloi!) at a little Italian cafe, cruised thru the Paul Revere Mall up past the Old North Church, over to Copp's Burying Ground, then across the Charles River over to the USS Constitution and USS Cassin Young. Then I headed back over the river to the Fanuiel Hall area and downtown....then thru the Common and Public Garden and over to the famed Newbury Street shopping area. I went down one side for about 8 blocks, then back up the other side. Went to this amazing department store, Louis Boston, and browsed at Prada Shoes, $500 jeans, etc....I didn't buy anything there, but lots of beautiful things to look at. By the time I started heading back to my car, my joints were getting sore from walking. Not sure how many miles I walked, but I was feeling it the next day. I'm defintiely not 18 anymore! HA So, in conclusion, Boston is a city not to be missed!! I've posted these pics small in order to fit many on this and my next post, so you may have to click on them to see closer detail. ENJOY!!!

Mo-Po show is dead

I saw this one coming a mile away. Did anyone even watch the Maurey-Connie chat fest??

Absolutely Bizarre Story

In case you missed this one, thought I would pass this story along to my readers. It is very uplifting!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Did Ann Coulter really go too far?

I'm in the midst of reading her new book, Godless, and I have yet to come to the part that has created so much controversy. People sure have gotten into a tizzy over these supposed nasty remarks aboust some 9-11 widows. What is funny, is that Ann often vocalizes what many of us internalize, but the MSM wants to appear sensitive and "PC", so they come down on her like a ton of bricks. This is a free country and she can say what she likes. What I find so typical is that she is getting blasted, while the Dixie Chicks were left alone for the most part, and they bashed a sitting President while in another country!! That rates far higher on the nasty scale for me.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

What I am up to this Sunday afternoon

Currently I am doing the following on my spare time:

Reading Ann Coulter's new book, Godless.
Listening to Prince's new CD, 3121 and Red Hot Chili Pepper's new Cd, Stadium Arcadium.
Drinking Bottega Pinot Gris - YUMMY

Ok, actually I am only reading and drinking. The CD's are in my car, so doing that while driving around.

We are back in Seattle!!

Words cannot describe how happy Rob and I are to be back in Seattle! We love the Northwest and never want to leave. It took us a 6,000 round trip journey to bring us home, both to new jobs we love and a new, bigger apartment in our old building on Cap Hill. Even Janni and our cats know they are home where they belong. I will never forget my time on the east coast (good and bad)! We arrived last Tuesday, May 30th and began the exhausting task of un-loading the U-Haul and getting settled in. Thankfully, I did not start my new job until Monday June 5th, so was able to have 5 days to get unpacked and somewhat organized in our new place. We still have a ways to go, but at least our apt is livable for the moment.

I have some Boston pics I will post next from the last day I spent there before we moved. Boston was an amazing city and I am so happy I had the chance to explore it. But, I have to say there is nothing like our Seattle with the mountains, water, boats, hiking, parks, etc....


Here is an event Janni and were in today. We did the walk. It was so much fun!! Lots of dogs everywhere. This event supported the Seattle Animal Shelter. Pictures were taken of us at the finish line, so I will post those once I get them. :-)