Monday, July 23, 2007

Che Guevara: A total psycho

I'm in the middle of a great book, Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him by Humberto Fontova
This author was on the Michael Medved Show about 2 months ago and I happened to catch this segment. I long has wondered why folks would sport this Che t-shirt I that see alot on Cap Hill. I formally did not know much about the Cuban Revolution. All I know is that Cuba sounds like it was an amazingly hip place in the early 1950's, that I hope Castro dies, and I really feel sorry for the Cuban people. Other than that, I admit I didn't know much.

But wow! After hearing this author on Michael Medved, I was in a rush to get this book. I finally got around to reading it this past week. It is a MUST!! A whole part of history is missing and has been re-written by the NYT (surprise!) and our own American media. Che Guevara is no one to idolize! Just when I think Hollywood can't piss me off more, I give thought to this morons who look up to this killer!! How stupid can people be?!!

1 comment:

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

More than just a Psycho, Che was an idiot.
I saw a segment of What Not to Wear where one of their "cases" wore a anti-Che tee shirt. She was obviously of Cuban descent and I thought it was so awesome that she was so bold to wear an anti-Che tee in NY.