Thursday, June 22, 2006

Duh... It's the environment stupid

Humans are to blame for a 1 degree rise in temps in the last 100 years? Woa, hottest temps in 2000 years? Watch out, I'm freaking out over here!

Ok people, it's called the environment. How about the last Ice Age? Or the hot temps when dinosauers roamed the earth - was that caused by humans, b/c if I recall, our species was not on Earth quite yet 65million yrs ago??! Stephen Hawking says Earth could become like Venus with 250F temps??!! Huh... When, when will that be Mr. Hawking? It's never been like that before?

Look, the bottom line is that the earth has gone thru cycles in the past - scientific research proves that. So I'm completely bafled as to where the disconnect lies here on this issue??!!

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