Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Carter Supports Bush on crazy port deal

Ok, if Jimmy Carter thinks this is a good idea, then that is YOUR SIGN that is this a very bad deal indeed. Let's not forget that is was Jimmy Carter who helped remove the Shah of Iran and bring us the psycho Iran we have today. Thanks Jimmy for all your support of the U.S. over the years! Maybe his pittle peanut farm is getting some kick backs from this deal....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont bite my head off but I have heard some good arguements for this and I can't imagine them not watching everything. They are only running the equipment aspect as far as I understand, and I know that could still cause problems. I think it is a very fragile situation in terms of not offending. They need to offer the Arab Eemirates another deal to distract them from being offended. There is the wisdom of keeping your enemies closer then friends to keep track of them. As for Carter saying there is no threat- I am thinking Dementia or "Sundowners" might be playing with his mind because obviously it is....ok, no swearing at me Marylyn...just some thoughts