As usual I was running late this morning, trying to get out of the house by 7:30am, so I could pop into QFC and get gas on the way.
Let me start with some background studio apt is about 530 sq feet and normally not too cluttered and decently decorated.....a cozy home. Well, Rob has moved back up from Corvallis, so at the moment my apt has turned into insanity...boxes everywhere, piles of drycleaning, clutter, etc.. no room to move and my attempt at some level of home decor is shot to hell. But, I love R and very glad he is back...
So, as you can see I am already on Meltdown Alert Level
Yellow and moving toward
Red. In the midst of all the chaos I'm trying to pull together some kind of an outfit, curl my hair and put my makeup on. I finally get out at 7:40am, so doing ok on time, going to be about 5 mins late to work. Walking out to my car, I'm feeling my panic subside knowing I'm not going to be too late. But LOW AND BEHOLD, my car was broken into overnight!!! Yes, that is correct!
Meltdown Level Red and then some! I am now in a mood most foul. I see a business card from a cop sitting on my driver's seat. I have no time to deal, so just picked up all the crap from my glovebox that some piece of shit rifled thru and snap at Rob to get in. We cruise over to our local Starbucks, where I pull up to drop him and our dog off. While I'm sitting there, an a-hole in a big van pulls up behind me determined to get my spot after I drive away. There was PLENTY of room in front of me for him, but he just HAD to have my pole position.
After Rob and Janni got out of the car I sat there rearranging my purse and some other things...then the van honked at me!! ARRGGGHH.... I threw him the arm and finger and I think Rob yelled "What are you honking at?!". I drove away in fury!
So, after all this I was 15 minutes late to work and extremely frazzled. But I opened my email and what did I find....a $100 gift certificate from one of the financial advisors at my office!! I was blown away. What a great gift. I felt my anger slowly melt and my Christmas spirit re-enter my body, and I smiled for the first time today. Although my morning has been one of the worst on record, this gift is a major bright spot and gives me hope that the rest of my day will be good.